Dutch expressions with "de pet"

This week’s phrases include the Dutch word for the cap “de pet” 🧢 The cap represents the working class and stands as a symbol for the skills or the knowledge needed to execute a certain profession. It also means that someone is belonging to a certain group. 👮🧑‍🎨🧑‍✈️

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Most frequent Dutch verbs (A2-B1)

Dive into this unique list by TaalBoost of most frequent Dutch verbs from A2 to B1 level. The list contains 637 verbs and the past tenses for both irregular and regular verbs. The closest English translations are also provided, as well as free flashcards to exercise your Dutch verbs!

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Most frequent Dutch verbs (0-A2)

The list of the most frequent Dutch verbs at A2 level is unique, because it includes not only irregular, but also regular Dutch verbs! Next to that, you will find the forms for the past tenses: Simple Past singular and plural, and Present Perfect - again for all the verbs. On the right, you will find the closest English translation(s) of the Dutch verbs.

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Mirko Cvetkovic
Top 5 things I wish I knew when I started learning Dutch

When I look back at the time when I just started to learn Dutch and compare to how I am learning Dutch now - or any other language for that matter - there are some things I wish I knew then that would’ve made my learning experience either much faster or more enjoyable, or both. I would like to share top 5 things with you that will hopefully help you at the beginning of your Dutch learning journey.

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Mirko Cvetkovic
How To Learn New Words

The receptive skills - and especially reading - are by far the best way to learn new words. While you are reading a text in the new language, you will have the luxury to re-read, pause, consult the dictionary, Google translate, or some other cool digital feature that can looks up words online. Since there is no other cognitive effort from you required, you will have available mental capacities to store the newly learned words.

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