Online Dutch
Saturday Courses
✓ 10 3-hour online Dutch language lessons on Saturday morning!
✓ Learn Dutch in a 100% feedback-driven and teacher-guided environment!
✓ Highly interactive and communicative online Dutch lessons, with exercises in pairs or groups with other participants!
✓ Engaging, relevant, informative and continuously upgraded lesson content!
✓ Free additional online materials available to make your Dutch language journey a success!
Next online Saturday Dutch courses
30 teaching hours: € 399,-
May 3 to July 5
Schedule for all levels: 10x Saturday 10.00-13.00 CEST
The online Saturday Dutch language courses are organised quarterly.
Each course involves 30 teaching hours divided over 10 weeks.
The online real-time lessons take place once a week, on Saturday morning.
The lessons start at 10.00 and end at 13.00.
There is a short break.
The online Saturday Dutch language lessons are attended online via Zoom platform, from anywhere, as long as you have a computer and a fair internet connection.
A new chapter/topic is covered each week.
Home study of approx. 20-30 hours per course is essential in order to reach the actual level at the end of the course. Additional online materials are available.
Each lesson consists of three parts:
input before the lesson,
activation at the lesson and,
consolidation after the lesson.
You will be instructed which listening and reading exercises should be done before each lesson. You will listen to dialogues in Dutch and read texts in Dutch, in order to become familiar with the Dutch vocabulary. That way, more valuable lesson time can be used to communicate.
During the lesson, you will exercise in pairs or groups with other students to practise speaking Dutch and understanding Dutch through a series of relevant, highly engaging and interactive exercises. The exercises are centred around that week’s topic and accompanied by real-time teacher’s guidance and feedback. The remaining lesson time will be used to explain and practice the functional grammar and language structures relevant for the topic.
After the lesson, you will submit approximately 3-4 written assignments throughout the course, to which you will receive personal written feedback from the teacher. Additional follow-up assignments are done online and are automatically graded.
The content depends on the proficiency level. Read more about the levels.
Entry requirements
No formal requirements. This is an online real-time course for true beginners or individuals with some to very little contact with the Dutch language.
To have successfully completed the previous level at TaalBoost or able to demonstrate knowledge of Dutch language at that level. In the latter case, you will be invited for a free online intake after you register for the course.
Teaching materials
Course book: Contact! 1 - nieuw / to be ordered separately by the course participant. Also available as an online course book.
Course book: Contact! 2 - nieuw / to be ordered separately by the course participant. Also available as an online course book.
LEVEL 3 and LEVEL 4 [CEFR A2+/B1]
Course book: Nederlands in actie (4th edition) / to be ordered separately by the course participant.
LEVEL 5 and LEVEL 6 [CEFR B1+/B2]
Course book: Nederlands op niveau / to be ordered separately by the course participant.
LEVEL 7 and LEVEL 8 [CEFR B2+/C1]
Course book: Nederlands naar perfectie / to be ordered separately by the course participant.
Group size
Between 5 and 12 course participants.
All course participants who attended at least 80% of the course (8 lessons) will receive a certificate of attendance.
Final exam
The written final exam takes place at the end of the course.
Course fee
€ 399,- for an online course of 30 teaching hours (12 real-time online lessons of 2.5 hours, textbook not included in the course fee).
After your submitted registration has been confirmed by e-mail, you will receive the invoice with the payment link.
Would you rather attend a Dutch language course as an online evening course or as an in-class intensive course? Check out other TaalBoost course options as well!
TaalBoost Courses
“I took the TaalBoost 1 week Intensive Level 1 course recently. I must say, I couldn't have learned so much dutch in one week with anyone else. Mirko's diligence, patience, focus, clarity, kindness and energy make it all possible. I will sign up for Level 2 and am looking forward to it.” - Gillian Haro