Syllabus taalboost x pall medistad Dutch course L1

Dear TaalBooster,

Welcome to TaalBoost x Pall Medistad Virtual Level 1 Dutch language course (CEFR A1). It is great to have you here.

The course takes place from September 2 to November 20, on Thursday or Saturday, from 10.00 to 12.30. Whether your squad (colour) has their lesson on Thursday or on Saturday, differs per week. Therefore, it is important to check carefully when you have that week’s lesson. You can find this in the email that was sent to you, or in the column ‘squads’ in the course schedule below.

For this course, you will need the book Contact! 1 tekstboek ISBN 9789460301346

Below you will find more detailed information about the course content and the homework.

Lesson NrDateBefore the lessonsquads At the lessonAfter the lessonWritten assignmentVocabularyYou will learn how to
1donderdag 2 september / zaterdag 4 september———donderdag: brown, green, orange zaterdag: grey, blue, yellow1A
1B———Introduce yourself (name, country of origin, languages, address, age)
Form simple questions
Count and spell
Say hi and bye
Use present tense
2donderdag 9 september / zaterdag 11 september1C1, 1C2donderdag: grey, orange zaterdag: brown, green, blue, yellow1C———
3donderdag 16 september / zaterdag 18 september2A1, 2A6
2B1, 2B2
donderdag: brown, orange, yellow, purple zaterdag: grey, green, blue2A
2B———Tell the time and the days of the week
Schedule an appointment
Order at a restaurant
Use modal verbs
Use negation
4donderdag 23 september / zaterdag 25 september2C1, 2C3donderdag: green, orange, purple zaterdag: brown, grey, blue, yellow2C
5donderdag 30 september / zaterdag 2 oktober3A1, 3A2
3B1, 3B2
donderdag: brown, grey, blue zaterdag: green, orange, yellow, purple3A
3B———Name food and packaging
Go grocery shopping
Ask for the price and weight
Learn adjectives and how to compare
Form longer sentences with conjunctions
6donderdag 7 oktober / zaterdag 9 oktober3C1, 3C4donderdag: brown, green, orange, purple zaterdag: grey, blue, yellow3C
7donderdag 14 oktober / zaterdag 16 oktober4A1, 4A2
4B1, 4B8a
donderdag: grey, orange zaterdag: brown, blue, yellow4A
4B———Describe your day at the weekend
Place events in a chronological order
Talk about your eating habits
Use frequency words
Talk about hobbies, sports and leisure
8donderdag 21 oktober / zaterdag 23 oktober4C1, 4C2, 4C5adonderdag: brown, blue zaterdag: grey, green, yellow, orange4C
9donderdag 28 oktober / zaterdag 30 oktober5A1, 5A2, 5A5
5B1a, 5B5, 5B6a
donderdag: blue, orange, green zaterdag: brown, grey, yellow5A
5B for directions and give directions
Name means of transport
Plan a city break with friends
Name clothes and colours
Buy clothes
10donderdag 4 november / zaterdag 6 november5C1, 5C6, 5C7donderdag: brown, grey, blue, purple zaterdag: green, orange, yellow5C
11donderdag 11 november / zaterdag 13 november6A1, 6A6ab
6B1, 6B2abc
donderdag: green, orange zaterdag: brown, grey, blue, yellow6A
6B about your family
Describe a person’s appearance
Name emotions and character traits
Use separable words
12donderdag 18 november / zaterdag 20 november6C2a, 6C3donderdag: blue, orange zaterdag: brown, grey, green, yellow6C

In order to use the time during the lesson optimally, always do the exercises in the column “Before the lesson” before each lesson. You will usually need to listen to a text or read it (or both) and to fill out a table afterwards. That way you will get used to the new words and the topic. The audio tracks can be accessed here. The transcripts of the audio files can be found in the textbook from p. 317 on. Many other useful things can also be found at the end of the book.

  • Find the translations to the instructions of the homework here.

  • The solutions of the homework exercises from the textbook can be found here.

  • There are chapter overviews (overzicht) at the end of each chapter (hoofdstuk). Look at those frequently. The key to the tables that you fill out as homework can be found there. Also, the grammar and the useful phrases can be found at the end of each chapter.

  • In orde to recap the lesson, do the assignments under After the lesson.

  • You will find the links to the written assignments in the course overview, under Written assignment. The assignments should be handed in in that week. Click on the link in the course overview and submit the assignment.

  • The test at the last lesson is a written online test. The test takes 30 minutes to complete, and involves chapters 1 to 4.